10 ways to get a last minute date on Valentines' Day
Now that you've read this top ten, tell us what we're missing. Add other ways to get last minute dates in the comments.10. Head to your nearest truck stop.
9. Try playing for the other team.
8. Call all your rejects and stalkers just to “check in.”
7. Make a date with yourself.
6. Borrow a friend’s dog and go to the nearest park.
5. If that doesn’t work find a distressed dog owner and offer them your extra poop bag.
4. Two words for you: Craigs List. Or is that one word?
3. Set your Facebook status to “horny” if you’re a girl and “emotionally available” if you’re a guy.
2. Plan an impromptu white elephant party. Get a box, cut a hole in the box…you know the rest.
1. Hire one.
Put your Singelringen on, go to a bar and relax. There will be other people there. Life is a jouney - enjoy. If you don't have a Singelringen yet - make it your Valentine's gift to yourself.
Anonymous, at Mon Feb 12, 08:12:00 PM PST
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